Node Onboarding


Shardeum is an EVM based autoscaling blockchain.

Post Installation Steps:

  • Go to Sharedeum’s Shardeum Discord and go to the validator-faucet channel and enter your wallet address over there to get some SHM Tokens.


Connect to Shardeum dashboard:

  • Access the link provided by the VHN team as part of the confirmation email. Ex: https://node-name:8888
  • To log in to the dashboard you will be provided a temporary password as part of the purchase confirmation email.


Change Dashboard password:

  • Access the settings tab.
  • DO NOT change the enable “Enable Auto-restart node”.
  • Type in the current password used to access the dashboard.
  • Type twice the personal personal password and make sure you are making a note of it . The VHN team does NOT keep record of the client password and it will not be able to prove you with the - password in case of misplacing or losing the password.
  • Submit the password change.


As the above password is a randomly generated password we strongly recommend changing it at the first log in.

Start Node:

  • Access the maintenance tab.
  • Use the “Start Node” functionality provided by the dashboard. And refresh the page.


  • The node usually starts immediately but we recommend giving it a couple of minutes for the status to change into “Need Stake”.


Connect wallet to node:

Using the the node dashboard maintenance tab:

  • Use the “Connect Wallet” button to connect the wallet used at the post installation steps to claim the faucet tockents.
  • Connect the wallet and stake.


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